90 Days of Bison Wallet - state of the market
Bison Wallet has now been available for over 90 days and has hit a volume of almost $1 million ($850,000)

Decred and the State of the market is brought to you by Exitus and PhoenixGreen and joined by The Crypto Oracle / Ger313.X @ger313.
Bison Wallet’s first 90 days have been nothing short of incredible! In this episode, we’ll unpack the highlights, complete some trades and look at what comes next for the world's first P2P atomic swap exchange.
Livestream agenda:
Bison Wallet has now been available for over 90 days and has hit a volume of almost $1 million ($850,000) - https://bochinchero.github.io/bwdash/
Start by saying a big thank you to @BitcoinliveDB for connecting us with Jerry. @BitcoinliveDB has a great community of real people and podcasters.
Introduce “The Crypto Oracle / Ger313.X @ger313” and tell us a little about your crypto background
Introduction to Bison Wallet, What makes Bison Wallet unique in the crypto space?
- Bison Wallet is built with the same principles as Bitcoin. P2P, Non-custodial, On-chain, No trading fees, Permissionless, No KYC, No middlemen.
Let’s do some swaps and look at the process.
At the moment we’re trying to get other communities using the platform so they can share their experiences. Outside of Decred, Litecoin is a great community to start with because we’ve built them an impressive SPV neutrino wallet and it’s cheap and fast.
Out of interest what do you feel will help to bring more Litecoiner’s to the Bison Wallet platform.
As an incentive to get Litecoiner’s to use Bison Wallet, we have a stepping stone process. That basically say if a community builds enough regular volume we do the following:
- Add a USDC pair for your project
- Add a BTC pair for your project
- Add more advanced options like MWEB
- Improve wallet solutions
- Add Market Making Bots for available Centralised Exchanges
Extras: the poker proposal goes live tomorrow.
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