Curve Trees: Global Anonymity Sets for Lelantus Spark Lelantus Spark’s unique modular design allows the upgrading of its components, and in this case, curve trees would replace Spark’s use of one-out-of-many proofs.
Nomination Thread for a New Community Fund Committee 2024 The 7 member CFC forms an important role in gradually decentralizing governance and sets up an independent fund to be used for the benefit of Firo.
Update on Binance Monitoring Tag Issue We deployed the code for Exchange Addresses in November 2023, and it was successfully activated in January 2024 together with Lelantus Spark activation.
Lelantus Spark is live on Firo Users can now use Spark addresses where people can directly send FIRO to them and have them automatically anonymized.
Exchange Addresses and Privacy Coin delisting from CEXes: How does it affect FIRO? Why are other privacy coins facing delisting while Firo seems to maintain its listing on Binance? Is the upcoming introduction of Exchange Addresses a threat to privacy?
Lelantus Spark Binary Release We’re excited to finally announce the official software release of Lelantus Spark, a groundbreaking advancement in privacy on the Firo (FIRO) network.
Exchange Addresses MiCA Regulations that come into force next year, introduce under Article 76(3) a requirement for exchanges to prevent trading of crypto-assets that have “inbuilt” anonymization functions