Politeia Digest #52 - May 31 - June 27 2022 In this issue we'll look at what's been happening in the world of Politeia and how the Decred community has reacted to the latest proposals.
Politeia Digest # 51 - Jan 11 - May 30 2022 The Decred Journal team are back with a new proposal. After the old proposal ended at the end of 2021 the Decred Journal and Politeia Digest have been unfunded for five months, and inactive for most of that time.
Politeia Digest #50 — December 4 2021 — January 10 2022 This proposal requests $1,684 for work done on phase 2 of the @StakeShuffle_Twitter bot, which regularly tweets usage stats for Decred’s StakeShuffle mixing.
Politeia Digest #49 - Nov 2 - Dec 3 2021 This proposal would change the issuance of new DCR from the current proportion (60% PoW, 30% PoS, 10% Treasury) to lower the share of rewards going to PoW miners to 10%, and re-allocate those rewards to PoS voters who would then receive 80% of newly issued DCR.
Politeia Digest #48 - Oct 4 - Nov 1 2021 Politeia passed the third anniversary of its launch on October 16th, and this post from @richardred has some stats and graphs about the last year and the first three years in general.
Politeia Digest #47 - Sep 4 - Oct 3 2021 StakeShuffle privacy, Politeia proposal viewing and notifications, and a Dark Mode for the UI. Links and changelogs and contribution graphs on GitHub are provided by way of progress report.
Politeia Digest #46 - July 29 - Sep 3 2021 Content for this edition was authored by @richardred with review and minor fixes from @bee and @degeri.