Bringing back fundamentals - Decred Today LIVE #6

Fundamentals matter. Blockchain technology has the opportunity to build a digital financial infrastructure that removes central entities and rent seeking middle men. But only if we build and use it!

Bringing back fundamentals - Decred Today LIVE #6
Bringing back fundamentals - Decred Today LIVE 6

Fundamentals matter. Blockchain technology has the opportunity to build a digital financial infrastructure that removes central entities and rent seeking middle men. But only if we build and use it!

If you’re interested in coming on the show in future weeks and trying out crypto products like Decrediton, Bison Wallet (aka DCRDEX) or Bison Relay, join us and we’ll get you started.

Livestream Agenda:

What is Decred? What are Decred’s core Principles? This weeks elevator pitch:

The fundamentals of blockchain technology includes four key points:

  • Sound money - the idea that money is deterministic and limited.
  • Decentralisation - the idea that anyone with a small amount of resources can participate.
  • Peer to peer - the idea that people can transact with each other permissionlessly without middlemen or third parties
  • Non-custodial - the idea that people are responsible for their funds and never trust third-parties to hold them

Discovering Decred

  • DCRDATA - Blockchain Data
  • Politeia - Governance, Proposals, Voting & Ticket action
  • Bison Relay insights
  • DCRDEX insights
  • Timestamply insights
  • Social Media & Community discussion