Decred bi-Weekly News Update - New 1.6 Release is Inbound & DEX Is Live!
Decred is an autonomous digital currency. With a hybrid consensus system, it is built to be a decentralized, sustainable, and self-ruling currency where stakeholders make the rules.

Check out the DEX-
Test RC 1.6 -
Richard Red's DEX Guide:
- 0:00 - Intro
- 0:11 - Testing out Decred 1.6 RC2 Privacy, LN, VSPD
- 1:34 - DCRDEX Is Live
- 2:50 - Decentralized Treasury Vote
- 3:03 - Politeia On Mobile
- 3:15 - 500k Blocks Mined
- 3:26 - Rough Consensus & Decred in Depth
- 5:52 - Decred Society Node Video
- 6:42 - Staked Podcast
- 8:22 - Monde PR Media Updates
- 9:18 - Decred LATAM TalentLand
- 9:40 - BR Activity + NovaDax Exchange
- 9:54 - Politeia Activity
- 13:25 - Outro
Video Script:
Decred is an autonomous digital currency. With a hybrid consensus system, it is built to be a decentralized, sustainable, and self-ruling currency where stakeholders make the rules.
Find out more about Decred:
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