Exchange Addresses and Privacy Coin delisting from CEXes: How does it affect FIRO?

Why are other privacy coins facing delisting while Firo seems to maintain its listing on Binance? Is the upcoming introduction of Exchange Addresses a threat to privacy?

Exchange Addresses and Privacy Coin delisting from CEXes: How does it affect FIRO?
Exchange Addresses and Privacy Coin delisting from CEXes: How does it affect FIRO?

Why are other privacy coins facing delisting while Firo seems to maintain its listing on Binance? Is the upcoming introduction of Exchange Addresses a threat to privacy?

Reuben, the Project Steward of Firo, delves into concerns surrounding the delisting of privacy coins from Centralized Exchanges (CEXes) in this video. He provides a comprehensive explanation of Exchange Addresses, emphasizing their compliance without compromising user privacy. Additionally, Reuben discusses specific boundaries that Firo will not cross for regulatory compliance, shedding light on the project's roadmap to decrease dependence on CEXes and Firo's plan to enhance privacy adoption.

Firo Private Transactions & Balancing with MICA regulations Forum Thread:

Zcash Thread:

Firo's Exchange Addresses:

Community Questions regarding Exchange Addresses: