@fst_nml Interview Decred in Depth (live): Decred and Thorchain Integration

@fst_nml Interview Decred in Depth (live): Decred and Thorchain Integration
@fst_nml Interview Decred in Depth (live): Decred and Thorchain Integration

I will be sitting down with anonymous Decred community member, @fst_nml, to discuss the $100,000 commission he funded for the development of Decred integration with Thorchain. Join us live this Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 1PM EST.

  • 06:40 tell us about your background
  • 09:20 Why did you start using Decred as a SoV
  • 11:40 What is Thorchain, how does it work
  • 14:46 What is liquidity? Why is Liquidity important
  • 15:51 What is the state of Decred Liquidity
  • 17:04 What do you like about Thorchains implementation
  • 22:15 What are your views on interoperability
  • 25:11 Will distributed solutions be Decred primary source of liquidity
  • 27:05 Outline AMM and swap risk
  • 34:27 Why did you offer the bounty yourself
  • 39:56 What are indicators of success for integration
  • 45:03 What are risk vectors for LPs
  • 48:45 Does integration create any new security risk
  • 49:26 Thorchain vs. DCRDEX
  • 51:04 Who will maintain the integration
  • 52:02 How do we increase protocol-to-protocol initiatives like this
  • 55:20 How do you make an asset reach its potential

GrassRoots Crypto: https://www.youtube.com/c/GrassRootsC...

LP University: https://liquidityprovider.university/


Find out more about Decred: https://decred.org