GoDCR: Lightweight SPV wallet for Decred | Quick Overview

GoDCR is a new Lightweight SPV wallet for Decred. Written in Go as an alternative implementation to Decrediton's Electron version. This new framework will also enable a streamlined and consistant approach to porting wallets across platforms including ios and Android.
GoDCR Proposal on Politeia: https://proposals.decred.org/record/0...
- 0:00 - Intro
- 0:37 - Settings
- 1:23 - Send/Receive + Transactions tab
- 1:37 - Wallets Tab
- 2:08 - Stakeshuffle Privacy
- 2:34 - Staking Tab
- 2:53 - Governance Tab
- 3:31 - Overview Tab
- 3:55 - DCRDEX, Mobile Wallets, and Proposal
Decred is an autonomous digital currency. With a hybrid consensus system, it is built to be a decentralized, sustainable, and self-ruling currency where stakeholders make the rules.
Find out more about Decred: https://decred.org
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