Decred On-Chain: Macro + Micro Outlook During bull markets the Realized Cap serves as support for the Decred Market Cap, and during bear markets it flips into resistance.
Lightning Network - DCR Comic 8 The Lightning Network makes your DCR go fast! How does this second layer solution work and what can we expect in the future?
Decred, The Resilient Stronghold In this paper, I explore the aggregate resilience, adoption and governance behaviour of key participants in the Decred network. The research is essentially an audit of the on-chain performance of the Decred chain
Decred On-Chain: Ticket Funding Rates Recognizing and understanding that ticket holders are not only ideological, but also profit-motivated actors is important to the analysis within. It also helps better understand the relationship between users, tickets, and the ticket pool
Atomic Swaps - DCR Comic 7 The decentralized money ecosystem can't rely on centralized exchanges for ever. Atomic Swaps enable users to trade without trusting each other. Atomic Swaps are trustless cross-chain transactions. How do they work?
The Fork Menace - DCR Comic 6 Which chain will you support when conflict arises? Decred's hybrid consensus helps the network resist splits in case of contentious forks. A mix of economic incentives and clever cryptography makes sure miners follow the stakeholders.
Building a transparent future with the Decred blockchain e live in a time of polarizing politics, and are entering an era of deep fakes where it will become even more difficult to discern truth from doctored campaign positions.