Bison Relay wallet features An innovative lightweight wallet, rich in functionality, from On-chain payments to Lightning Network micropayment processing.
I don't want your likes Tipping is the first step towards a bigger change in the social media landscape. Changing people's perspectives towards content and engagement will be an up hill battle. We currently live in a world where the accepted normal is free
Bison Relay pre-paid invitations One of the key Bison Relay initiatives has been to improve and simplify the onboarding process. With pre-paid invites, this process has gone from needing to input and confirm several pieces of information to just inputting a single key.
Bison Relay upgrades to version 0.1.7 At the beginning of May, Bison Relay version 0.1.7 was released with many improvements and a focus on user experience and onboarding.
Oprah Tipping Bot - BisonRelay Getting paid for social media engagement is a positive evolution from the current state of the web. Oprah Bot delivers automated peer to peer near instant payments.
Bison Relay updates to version 0.1.4 Bison Relay v0.1.4 has been released! Developers are stampeding forward and trampling bugs under their hooves, so users will notice everything is getting quicker and smoother.
Bison Relay updates to version 0.1.3 It’s incredibly impressive to see how this project is moving forward, the improvements being made here may seem minor, but creating a streamlined user experience for non-technical users will make onboarding a lot easier.