POLITEIA DIGEST January 20 - January 30 2023 5 new proposals coming up for vote in February and 3 approved from the previous month. Let's look at each of these in more depth.
Decred Journal – December 2022 Big news for December! The new internet will be private, spam-resistant and include a peer to peer payment infrastructure by default! With the release of Bison Relay, Decred’s Lightning Network has seen a significant boost to its node count and capacity.
POLITEIA DIGEST - October 26 2022 - January 19 2023 Politeia is Decred’s governance and proposal system. This month has been a particular busy one, with 5 proposals currently up for discussion and voting.
Decred News - December 2022 Decred News for December 2022 was a huge month for the evolution of the platform - Bison Relay P2P Chat + Social Media on Lightning is here! Big Dev updates!
Decred Journal – November 2022 November saw the unwinding of FTX, which lead to a wave of contagion, making the non-custodial & "proof of reserves" advantages of DCRDEX more salient. Decred, unfazed by this, continued active development throughout the ecosystem, including big improvements to DCRDEX
Bison Relay: The Sovereign Internet Bison Relay represents a major architectural shift in how communications platforms operate. Decred is money evolved and Bison Relay is internet evolved.
Decred Journal – October 2022 This month in the journal, Decred gains a seat at the political table when our timestamping service is used to combat fake news. The development team release a series of updates for Decred Core, DCRDEX and decred.org