Decred News April 2024 Decred Development Updates: Private DCR/XMR Atomic-Swaps inbound, Market Makers + DEX v1
Decred is coming to BasicSwap DEX In this discussion, we’ll be talking to members of the BasicSwap team to find out more about the platform and what we can expect from the Decred integration.
Microtransactions and the user experience I envision a world where microtransactions constitute the majority or all transactions on the blockchain. Decred is preparing for this future!
Blockchain scaling to include micro transactions What are micro transactions, and how can we identify a solution that achieves this goal at scale whilst remaining a peer to peer network?
Decred News March 2024 Decred Dev Update - DEX v1, New Wallets, and Supply Shock as the Bull Market Starts
2024 has started with a boom! After over two years of pain is this the light at the end of the tunnel or the calm before the storm.