Offline wallets with dcraddrgen Dcraddrgen is an application written in Go that generates offline addresses (private key, seed) without having to run the wallet itself (Decrediton or dcrwallet).
Decrediton on Tails Tails is an operating system based on Debian Linux that can be run directly from a USB flash drive.
Verifying digital signatures: Debian Linux Learn more about Debian Verifier, a shell script also ported to Python that automates the digital signature verification process.
Verifying digital signatures The verification of digital signatures ensures that a message wasn’t altered and that the sender is the one who ‘signed’ the message, the owner of the key pair.
Verifying digital signatures: Decred The verification of digital signatures ensures that a message wasn’t altered and that the sender is the one who ‘signed’ the message, the owner of the key pair.
Decred Verifier Whenever it is recommended that the digital signature and hashes of a file be verified to avoid files being modified in transit or at rest by trojans or any other malicious code, the average user encounters some difficulties in understanding the process and executing the necessary commands.
Electrum Verifier The Electrum Verifier script does just that: it downloads Electrum wallet, its digital signatures from the official website and verifies that the signature is valid.